The Tin Lantern Bar & Grill
Local, Fresh, Relaxing Atmosphere, Excellent Food
The Tin Lantern Bar & Grill located in Meadow Vista, CA is the premier dining restaurant in the foothills of Sacramento.
- Open Tuesday - Saturday: 3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
- Address 17100 Placer Hills Road, Meadow Vista, CA 95722
- Phone 530-878-8888
- Website The Tin Lantern Bar & Grill
- Excellent Food
- Relaxing Atmosphere
- Local & Fresh
Ugly Mug Cafe
Loomis, CAThey are committed to delivering an excellent experience when you visit the Ugly Mug Cafe
Old Town Sierra Grill
Auburn, CAYou can relax inside their quaint restaurant or enjoy your meal in the outside dining area.